
Create a detox application


nx generate application ...
nx g app ... # same

By default, Nx will search for application in the default collection provisioned in angular.json.

You can specify the collection explicitly as follows:

nx g @nrwl/detox:application ...

Show what will be generated without writing to disk:

nx g application ... --dry-run


name (required)

Type: string

Name of the E2E Project

project (required)

Type: string

The name of the frontend project to test.


Type: string

A directory where the project is placed


Default: false

Type: boolean

Generate JavaScript files rather than TypeScript files


Default: eslint

Type: string

Possible values: eslint, tslint, none

The tool to use for running lint checks.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Whether or not to configure the ESLint "parserOptions.project" option. We do not do this by default for lint performance reasons.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Skip formatting files