
Run an npm script using Nx

Options can be configured in angular.json when defining the executor, or when invoking it. Read more about how to configure targets and executors here: https://nx.dev/core-concepts/configuration#targets.



1"frontend": {
2    "root": "packages/frontend",
3    "targets": {
4        "build": {
5            "executor": "@nrwl/workspace:run-script",
6            "options": {
7                "script": "build-my-project"
8            }
9        }
10    }
nx run frontend:build

The build target is going to run npm run build-my-project (or yarn build-my-project) in the packages/frontend directory.

Caching Artifacts

By default, Nx is going to cache dist/packages/frontend, packages/frontend/dist, packages/frontend/build, packages/frontend/public. If your npm script writes files to other places, you can override the list of cached outputs as follows:

1"frontend": {
2    "root": "packages/frontend",
3    "targets": {
4        "build": {
5            "executor": "@nrwl/workspace:run-script",
6            "outputs": ["packages/frontend/dist", "packaged/frontend/docs"],
7            "options": {
8                "script": "build-my-project"
9            }
10        }
11    }


script (required)

Type: string

An npm script name in the package.json file of the project (e.g., build)